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This lesson was developed as part of the ESOL 2 Curriculum, Unit 4 "Courage", Common Task #2. It's main purpose is to familiarize students with Native Americans, the indigenous people of North America. This lesson is indented to go hand on hand with the book "The Last of the Mohicans" by James Fennimore.

Students have been reading and talking about the novel "The Last of the Mohicans", the French-American War, and Native Americans. Now students are going to research and analyze other native American tribes to familiarize themselves with the best known tribes. 

This lesson introduces students to Native American Tribes' life, culture, and traditions. In this lesson students will work in pairs, and they will research and analyze information that will lead them to answer the following questions:

What does it feel like to be a native American Indian?

What kind of food did they use to eat?

What kind of clothing did they use to wear?

How did their houses look?

Which tribe is the most interesting? why?